Thursday, May 19, 2011

Does this mean I am a blogger?

So the truth of the matter is I think "Blogging" is ridiculous! Who am I and why the heck would anyone care what I have to say? lol... but if by some off chance people are interested in my life with a toddler or advice, tips and stories from a first time Mom who isn't perfect, then I guess this could be something fun for me to do instead of drink every night. Beer is expensive!

I'll start with my name: it's Louise, I am 30, overweight, gapped toothed and you will never see a picture of me (if I can help it, lol) with my child. I have a two year old son Alex who I am pretty sure is perfect. By perfect I mean normal, happy, ten fingers and toes; he does every shitty/wonderful thing toddlers are supposed to do and I love him to death, lol. How me and my Husband (we will call him DH) managed to create a perfect child is beyond understanding. I hope and pray everyday that nature over rides nurture and he stays the ball of wonderfulness he is today. I figure he will either grow up to be a doctor or a drug addict, I pray for doctor! 

yes that is McDonalds you see, if that appalls you then this is not the right blog for you to follow! ha ha ha

So that is a little bit about me. The things I will be sharing (for as long as it interests me) will be everyday life experiences with my boys. I hope to not bore you.

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